Directed by: Martin Scorsese
Starring: Asa Butterfield, Chloe Grace Moretz, Ben Kingsley,
Sacha Baron Cohen, Ray Winstone
Rated: PG for mild thematic material, some action/peril and smoking.
Traditionally, Martin Scorsese films are about as far as one can get from being family friendly. Yet the great director and film historian restrains himself to a PG rating and adapted the famous children's book by Brian Selznick into the film Hugo. Scorsese fans won't be disappointed: the film still has the visual style and tone of Scorsese, but this one is far tamers, following the story of an orphan boy who lives in the inner workings of a train-station's clock tower, and how his interaction with an older man in the station restores dignity and redemption to life. Featuring some notable actors (and Scorsese favorites) such as Ben Kingsley, Ray Wintstone, Emily Mortimer, Jude Law, Helen McCrory, and Sasha Baron Cohen (who provides the few sexual innuendos that earn the film it's PG rating), Hugo is still more so a film for adults; it's pretty much a kiss up to the history of filmmaking (specifically special effects mastermind George Meiles), and is pretty slow-paced for a children's movie. But, considering the film's emphasis on the importance and purpose that everyone has, Scorsese's Hugo is as magical, wonderful, and breathtaking for adults as for his target audience, and a great reminder that you are never too old for an adventure.
Starring: Asa Butterfield, Chloe Grace Moretz, Ben Kingsley,
Sacha Baron Cohen, Ray Winstone
Rated: PG for mild thematic material, some action/peril and smoking.

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