Starring: Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino
Rated: R (my unofficial reasoning would be for harsh language and some sexuality.)

While I often understand Academy’s reasoning for choosing their best picture winners, the 1988 film Rain Man is a little bit of a mystery to me. Sure, Dustin Hoffman is terrific and the story is heartwarming, but the movie far too cliché and processed to have any real significance. Tom Cruise’s character goes from hating Hoffman’s character one moment to choosing him over three million dollars the next without any real reasoning. Everything in the story (including a family that randomly lets these strangers into their home to watch People’s Court) feels more like Hollywood than reality, distancing the impact or power of the film. Don’t get me wrong, Rain Man, minus the cussing and sexual content, is a good film. However, it’s Hollywood processed script, illogical character progression, and failure to bring any real theme to the subject of those mentally handicapped hinders the film from deserving the accolades it won.
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