Starring: Mel Gibson, Patrick McGoohan,
Sophie Marceau, Brendan Gleeson
Rated: R for brutal medieval warfare

One of the most iconic films of the 1990s, Mel Gibson’s Braveheart is, in my opinion, the greatest epic ever made, a film on a spectacular scale with a personal drive. The absence of computer effects and digital grading gives the film a very real feel, unlike the other digital equivalents in later years. The Scottish landscapes set the beautiful-yet-rugged tone, and John Boll’s cinematography and James Horner’s score only compliment it. Gibson, who is a fine director, is still a rather strange actor, making the most difficult scenes breathtaking, yet the easiest scenes almost goofy. Thankfully, he never shares a scene with the terrific Patrick McGoohan, who steals the show every time he’s on screen.
Whatever your thoughts are on Gibson’s acting, he certainly understands the emotions and themes in Braveheart as a director. While some complain about the many inaccuracies of the film, I believe it is more symbolic than a historical retelling; it’s about how far would one go to discover freedom. All the characters in the story are oppressed, from Wallace, who is under British authority, to Robert the Bruce, who is controlled by his rank, to the Princess of Wales, who is controlled by her marriage and diplomatic standing. Through these characters, we are shown how the rights of humanity go far beyond politics and allegiances. How to fight for what is good, even when you are the only one who believes it. How to find courage, even when you are alone. How to forgive, because you believe in what is good. This is Braveheart, and from the first frame to the last, I am entertained, transformed, and inspired. Every man dies, but not every man truly lives. After watching Braveheart, you have truly lived.
Spot on brother!