Starring: Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Mark Wahlberg
Rated: PG-13 for sexual and crude content throughout, language, some violence and drug references

Steve Carell is the funniest man in America. Tina Fey is the funniest woman. Together, they make America’s funniest couple. Unless, of course, you give them a shallow script and poor direction, which is exactly what happened when Carell and Fey made the movie Date Night. While I’m not much of a comedy fan, I have seen and enjoyed many that were harsher than Date Night, so don’t write that off as my issue with this movie. (Although it was an issue.) However, Date Night is so juvenile in terms of message, intellect, and humor, one begins to wonder if the director Shawn Levy (who mostly directs children’s movies, such as Night at the Museum) threw the “potty humor” in simply to make it a PG-13 rated script. Seriously, Shawn? You wasted the comedic duo and entertaining synopsis on that script? There is nothing funny about prostitution, corrupt officials, organized crime, sex jokes, or anything else in your script. As the outtakes gave away, the funniest parts of the movie were improved by Carell and Fey and weren’t in the lame script. And, while the film did give a positive message of family and marriage, and gave every man the new motivation to look like Mark Wahlberg, it certainly wasn't the comedic film we were all hoping for. Watching episodes of The Office or 30 Rock are much better options for a date night.
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