Starring: Elijah Wood, Ian McKellan, Viggo Mortenson, Cate Blanchette
Rated: PG-13 for epic battles sequences and some scary images

I remember sitting in the theater, watching the first Lord of the Rings movie. I had finished the books a few months before, and was eagerly anticipating the first movie. However, much like the protagonists of the film, I had no idea how incredible of an experience I was setting myself up for. The storytelling was so vivid, the imagination so incredible, the cinematography and effects were stunning, and the story so compelling. Tolkien had written a splendid and fantastic story to begin with, but to see it all come to life was truly unlike anything I've ever experienced.
Many people talk of the incredible effects: the battle scenes in their splendor, the locations in their creativity, and the digital character of Gollum in his reality. Don't down play it; it is quite a huge achievement. But few recognize that the movies, in the end, are about the characters. Small and insignificant Frodo Baggins, destroying the evil that will consume him and the entire world if he is not careful. Of Gandalf, the wise wizard who will not let death stop him from saving middle earth. Aragorn, the king of Gondor who must accept his own fate in order to lead his people to victory. And Sam Gamgee, who will fight to the bitter end to save his friend. With it's strong Biblical parallels, compelling story, and themes strong enough to inspire anyone, The Lord of the Rings (particularly the first film, the Fellowship of the Ring) is truly an achievement in film that will never be matched. And, no matter how many times I see the film, I still get a sense of wonder every time I watch it and let my imagination soar.