Directed by: James Cameron
Starring: Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang

James Cameron is known for making spectacle-driven films, but Avatar may have been his greatest undertaking. Twelve years since his latest film, and nearly three hundred million dollars later, Avatar reaches theaters. Even without the Imax experience, the effects are outstanding. However, there is really only one way to experience the film, and that is in Imax 3d which, thanks to its success, may stem a future of big-name releases for Imax. However, when you look deeper at Cameron’s film, it’s just a big name blockbuster. And, while you shouldn’t expect Cameron to stoop to the level of Michael Bay or Zach Snyder, you also can’t expect him to rise to the level of Sam Mendes or Peter Weir, either. What you can expect from Avatar is some of the strongest New Age philosophy on film to date. Unlike The Road, where technology and science leads to cataclysmic destruction, Avatar presents us with the opposite side of a godless science: nature as deity. Like Dances with Wolves and The Last Samurai (both of which mirror Avatar’s plot), the film rejects the death and destruction of technology and brutal capitalism for the peace and tranquility of Mother Nature. Unlike most films (and society, in general) Avatar even mixes science in with the spiritual realm, making the “deity” of Avatar even more prevalent and credible. Despite Cameron’s vocal insults at those who have bashed the film for this issue, it is nonetheless true. It is also true that the film has the best visual effects to date, and is a lot of fun to watch, especially in 3D.